Carsten Schütt
Masters Degree in process engineering at Martin Luther University Halle/Germany.
10 years of experience in R&D in the polymers industry. Functional experience includes R&D, Testing & Application technology development and polymer processing as project and team leader. Mainly focused in development work for the energy market with high performance polymers and semi finished products like unidirectional CF-Tapes. Recently moved to R&D projects portfolio management and tech scouting for Industrial & Energy.
Employment history:
Evonik Operations GmbH, 2019 - present
Technology leader Industrial & Energy
Responsible for directing and managing the R&D project portfolio of segment Industrial&Energy
Evonik Resource Efficiency GmbH 2015 - 2019
Sen. Project Manager O&G Composites Development
Responsible for thermoplastic composites development for O&G and managing of material development and qualification projects.
Evonik Industries AG 2011 - 2015
Project Manager in Testing and Application Tech. Development
Responsible for development of specialized testing setups including in HP-HT environments for compatibility studies for polymers vs. supercritical CO2. Rig up and implementation of new composites testing lab into Product care and Analytics department, Head of Composites testing laboratory.
Fraunhofer IWM, Halle a. d. Saale, Germany, 2010 - 2011
Scientific assistant